redefining the physical channel
case study : redefining the role of the physical channel in the context of a wider multi-channel relationship between a challenger bank and its customers
the business challenge
With consumers increasingly turning online to do their banking our client needed help to understand and position the role of the physical ‘branch’ within their multichannel offering.
They’d heavily invested in some of their branch network with new and unique digital concept stores, but many of their traditional branches were left untouched and unable to carry out even the basic of banking functions.
our approach
We worked with stakeholders across the business to take an in-depth look at the branch network. Through workshops, we used visioning and innovation techniques to generate ideas and challenge the team to imagine and define what the purpose of the branch network could be for the future – in a world where people do the things they used to do in branch on their phones and iPads.
We defined the strategy and analysed the transformation capabilities and the cost/ benefits to deliver the vision, creating a roadmap for the transformation and outlining the cost to put ideas into action.
We explored the implications of a number of operating models and provided the executive level with a clear vision for onward discussion, where the customer was central to the recommendations.
the outcome
Collaborating on this project allowed team members, from customer front line, operational support, team managers and executives, to review the physical channel as a brand differentiating service proposition – creating the magic that happens when people interact with people.
This was a true example of cross-functional collaboration and our energetic and fast-paced way of working created a real sense of buzz amongst everyone involved.